General Information:
1. Sanitization before you arrive includes comforters, blankets, sheets, countertops, doorknobs, sinks, showers, etc.
2. Keep us informed when you plan to arrive so we can turn the heat/air on.
3. Bathrooms:
a. Full bath in Carriage House
b. Half bath downstairs through the garage
c. Full bath in the heated workshop
4. Bug Spray - bring your own as the Estate is near the water and in the woods.
5. Caretakers: John & Sue: Feel free to contact; Sue at sue@hermanus-on-the-hudson.com
6. Owners: Ken & Susan: To contact Susan, e-mail: susanfarr@hermanus-on-the-hudson.com or 518-263-0906
Guest Registration:
Only registered people will be allowed to stay per the VRBO registration. Additional guests may be approved; however, if not, there will be an additional $50 per person per night.
Property Policies
1. Walking the property is permitted but only at your risk as there are rocks, logs, water, animals, etc., throughout the property.
2. "Riverfront" is at the Hudson River. When walking to the Riverfront, be careful as there are plenty of rocks, and if you decide to go into the water, we highly recommend water shoes as the rocks are very slippery.
3. Many items are personal property at the Riverfront, so please be respectful. Ask John or Sue if you wish to use the personal property.
4. The Overlook outdoor fire pit (down the driveway) is for your relation in sitting on the Adirondack chairs and having some 'smores,' enjoying the view and fire. Always put the fire out, as we do not wish a fire on the property.
5. The Gazebo is screened in by the rock wall for your relaxation. You may use it - no smoking.
6. No smoking on property, including cigarettes, cigars, vaping, e-cigarettes, etc.
Cleaning Policies:
1. All items in the Carriage House are accounted for; if you break it, let us know.
2. To keep cleaning costs down, remove the bedding and place it on the floor in each room, and place the towels on the bathroom floor.
3. Dishwasher: Load and start the dishwasher (tablets are provided).
4. Refrigerator: Clean out unused food. Some supplies have been provided for you.
5. Make sure the rooms are "broom clean."
6. Place all trash and recyclables in the appropriate receptacles outside the workshop. Place the lid on tight, as bears are in the area and have been known to open the trash.
Various supplies are provided. If you run out, feel free to contact Sue as they reside on the other end of the Carriage House.
No partying or loud noises after 10 p.m.
Outdoor Grill:
May use during Spring/Summer/Fall - not available during the winter. Must use outside in its location and must clean up afterward due to bears, etc.
Pets (NO cats): Fee of $15 per day.
1. Since dogs are in various sizes on the property, your dog MUST relate well to other dogs and people - NO pit bulls, Dobermans, or any aggressive dog.
2. Dogs are not allowed on the furniture - MUST utilize the crate (provided) when away. Bring a clean blanket if your dog likes to be on the furniture with you.
3. You MUST pick up after your dog at all times, and your dog MUST be on a leash.
4. If your pet chews or damages any item in the Carriage House, you will be responsible for replacing or fixing it.
5. Ensure your dog is on Flea & Tick medicine, as there are plenty in the area.
Garages and Outbuildings:
1. Workshop: If you wish to utilize the heated workshop for your skis or other sports equipment, ask John or Sue. Use only the designated area, as the workshop also has personal property.
2. Garage under the Carriage House: This is personal property. Please do not use it unless you ask John or Sue.
3. Back Garages and Outbuildings: Do not enter - private storage.
Questions - ASK! We are only a phone call away or in the adjoining buildings.